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SITE, Privafy Announce JV for delivery of Extended Detection and Response solution in the kingdom.

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How Privafy Helps Secure Legal Matter
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For law firms and attorneys, your privilege and the associated legal matter is what drives your business. Your collaboration with third-parties and the vast library of data stored in multiple on-premises and cloud-based applications means your data is vulnerable. You can’t afford to risk your business, your liability and your reputation due to a passive approach to your data security.

The Privafy service is designed to give you unparalleled protection against the broadest spectrum of attacks and threats such as malware, DDos, unauthorized surveillance, and other malicious attacks. It can also protect your data safe from outbound violations and data loss prevention commonly caused by rogue employees or unauthorized access. Privafy lets you work assured without requiring dedicated security experts and a large technology stack with update and patch requirements. Privafy monitors and remediates threats before they can reach your data.

Read more about how Privafy is helping law firms and attorneys secure legal matter

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